現代ファンタジーに鋭い蹴りを入れる。 Kick modern Japanese fantasies.

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1st: Find out! The strongest sword
2nd: Live! Short-life species
3rd: Shoot! Ultimate magic
4th: Fight! The castle of evils
5th: Go! Descendants of the hero

其の一:探せ!最強の剣 1st: Find out! The strongest sword

 さて、御想像願いたい。主人公の自称勇者さま御一行は、山奥のとある村へとやってきた。村ではさっそく勇者さまを歓迎すべく宴の用意。すっかり日も暮れ、そろそろ宴たけなわとなった頃、村の長老と名乗る老人が勇者の後ろにすっと現れ、耳元でこうささやくのだ。     So, imagine this situation. The self-styled hero and his party arrived at a village in deep mountains. The village soon started to prepare a welcome party for them. When the sun entirely set and the welcome party got crazy, an old guy who called himself the elder of the village appeared silently behind the hero, and whispered close to his ear like this.

"It is said that in the deep evil forest behind this village,
there is the strongest sword hidden in obscurity..."

 勇者さまは「伝説」とか「最強」とかいう言葉に滅法弱い。よおし、明日は森へ繰り出すぞ、とすっかりやる気の勇者さまに、長老は不気味に笑ってこういうのだ。     Heroes can't help themselves when they hear words like "legend" or "the strongest". Cool, let's go to the forest tomorrow! - the hero got excited to hear the elder's word, but the elder smiled weirdly and said like this.

「やめなされ、あの森から生きて戻った者はおらん……」 "Don't go there. No one came back in one piece from the forest..."

 自分から誘っておいて何を言う。こんな脅しで決意をひるがえす勇者さまではない。翌日勇者さまは仲間たちとともに魔の森へと突入。群がる魔物どもを蹴散らして、首尾よく伝説の剣を手に入れた上、魔の森からの史上初の生還者という名誉まで得るのだ。     What are you saying although you tempted me. The hero is not a guy who goes back on his decision hearing such scary stories. The next day, the hero went to the evil forest with his party. Beat the crowded monsters, got the legendary sword successfully, besides they got the honor of first people who came back from the evil forest.

    No. You shouldn't be blown away sincerely at this time like "That's the heroes!". Because there is an unnatural logical fault in this story.
    The elder said "The sword is in the deep forest." But just after that, he also said "No one came back from the forest." If he said truth, how did he know the sword was in the "deep" forest?
    If someone brought the sword into the forest and didn't come back, the elder couldn't know where the sword was. It means his word "deep" just came into his head. So, what if it's true that someone left the sword in the deep forest and reported it to the elder? In this case, the word "No one came back from the forest" got caught a lie.
    At any rate, we found that the elder was a big fat liar. The elder lied and tricked the hero, lured him into the dangerous forest in order to make him the monsters' feed, besides he saw the hero off with acting like he didn't know anything.
    Of course you already understood it, didn't you? Such elders are

敵のスパイだ。 spies of the enemies.

其の二:生きろ!短命種 2nd: Live! Short-life species

 さて、御想像願いたい。主人公の自称勇者さまは、強敵に囲まれ窮地に陥っていた。次々に倒されていく仲間たち。満身創痍の勇者さまは必死に抵抗を試みるが、ついにがっくりとひざを落とす。頭上から振り下ろされる敵モンスターの斧。もうだめか……と目を閉じる勇者さま。しかしいつまでたっても斧は落ちてこない。おそるおそる目を開いた勇者さまは、そこに身を盾にして自分をかばう仲間の姿を見る。     So, imagine this situation. The self-styled hero and his party were getting into the desperate situation being surrounded by strong monsters. His friends were beaten one after another. The hero having wounds all over his body tried to make a desperate stand, but finally dropped to his knees. The enemy swung its ax down on his head. This is how it ends ... the hero closed his eyes. But the ax never fell down. He gingerly opened his eyes, and found that one of his friend protected him with his own head.

「ビ、ビック……」 "B, Bic..."

    Bic is one of the "species of gods". Although they have thousands times as much lifetimes than human have, they can't stay safe if they get attack on their heads by axe. Still, they are species of gods. He gathered the last bit of energy and beat all enemies, and then after making sure the crisis was over, he fell down.
    Although the hero had wounds all over his body, he rushed close to Bic, and talked to him tearfully.


"Bic, you are a man..."
"Haha, don't cry, Hero. I have already lived for thousands of years.
I lived too much longer than you guys.
So you don't have to feel sad."
"Hero, you are the only person who can save this world. Beat the Demon King.
This world is yours, human. Live strong... short-life species..."
"Bic... Bic? ...


 今、道の真ん中にカゲロウがふわふわ浮いている。ご存知のとおり、彼らの寿命は約一日。人間に比べると極めて短い。そこへむこうから、大型トラックが猛スピードで突進してきた。あなたならカゲロウを救うために、トラックの前に身を投げ出すだろうか? 「おれはおまえより何千倍も生きた」などという台詞とともに?
    No. You shouldn't yell with him like "Biiiiiiic!" There are too many shady points.
    First of all, Bic was able to live long after his head was broken. Whether he is one of the species of gods or not, it's impossible because they are also living things. It rather sounds more natural that they are immortal because they are a kind of gods. Actually, his behavior looked like almost immortal creatures.
    Next, about Bic's power. He was able to beat the enemies even after his head was cracked, then why he didn't do it from the beginning? If he had fought with his full strength from the beginning, the heros could have stayed safe, continued their trip safely, besides Bic himself wouldn't have been injured. We can't stop feeling the story fishy.
    But on top of that, his last message before he died was the most mysterious. "I lived too much longer than you guys." I see, that's true if we see their biology objectively. Although, it doesn't explain that long-life creatures die for short-life creatures. No, exactly it can't explain such a thing. I'm going to show an example for people who don't understand it.
    Now, there is a dayfly floating on the center of the road. You know, their lifetime is only about a day. It's much shorter than human. Then, a big truck comes from front at high speed. Would you go into between the dayfly and the truck in order to save the dayfly? With a message like "I've lived thousands times as much lifetime than you"?
    Yes, the length of lifetime doesn't excuse behaviors like someone throws away his life. His lifetime is shorter than me, so I'll dedicate my life for him - such thoughts are just ridiculous.
    Bic is species of gods. Because of that, he would be also clever. So let's think about this idea. Bic is actually immortal, but he had been hiding the fact. In the fight, he threw the hero and his party into crisis on purpose, and saved them with his dedication last minute... That's reasonable. Yes, his real purpose was livening up the drama by making a great highlight scene. Bic would appear again near the end of the story and say "Actually I didn't die" or things like that. That's also for livening up their drama. It's a kind of entertainment for people who are immortal.
    Of course you already understood it, didn't you? You shouldn't believe long-life species. Even if their behaviors look beautiful,

すべて計算ずくだ。 all of them are calculated.

其の三:いまだ!究極魔法 3rd: Shoot! Ultimate magic

 さて、御想像願いたい。主人公の自称勇者さまは、またも難敵に遭遇していた。次々に仲間は倒され、残るは勇者さまただ一人。まさに絶体絶命の危機というそのとき、不意に場違いな高笑いがあたりにこだまするのだ。     So, imagine this situation. The self-styled hero and his party bumped into a powerful enemy again. The party members were beaten one after another, and now there was only the hero standing. Just at the critical situation, suddenly someone's loud laughing echoed around there.

「だ、誰だ!?」 "W, who is this!?"

 その場の全員が頭上を見上げると、丈高い木のてっぺんになんと人影が。後光のように背中に陽を受けたその人物は、高笑いしながら木から飛び降り、ひらりと地面に着地して格好よく名乗るのだ。     All the people there looked up and found a figure on top of the tall tree. The sunlight was shining behind him, and he jumped down from the tree while laughing, landed on the ground without effort and gave his name in a cool way.

「魔法使いロッド、見参!」 "A wizard Rod is here!"

 ロッドはずいぶん前に、修行と称して勇者さまの元を離れた懐かしの同志である。息を呑む勇者さまの目の前で、ロッドは手にした杖を敵に向け、不敵に笑ってこんな台詞をはく。     Rod is the hero's friend who was apart from the party for strict training long time ago. In front of the hero breathtaking, Rod put his cane toward the enemy, smiled fearlessly and said:

"Hay Hero, I'm gonna show you the effort of my training.
Take it!
The ultimate magic, Petit Ganon!!

 ロッドが叫ぶと、杖の先に途方もなく大きな火球が現われ、ものすごい迫力で敵めがけて飛んでいく。閃光、轟音、一瞬のうちに火球は地平線の彼方へ飛び去り、火球が通ったあとの地面は深く醜くえぐられて、その跡ははるか地平線まで続いていたりする。当然、敵モンスターは跡形もなく消し飛んでいる。味方たちがあっけにとられるなか、ロッドだけは平然と笑みを浮かべて立っていたりするのだ。     As Rod shouted, a huge fire ball appeared in front of his cane, and was shot toward the enemy with enormous impact. There happened flash and a booming roar, and the fire ball flied away to over the horizon in a moment. It remeined a deep, ugry truck along the way the fire ball left, and the truck continued to the horizon. Of course, the enemy monster had been eraced without any parts of the body. While his friends were taken aback, only Rod was standing with calm laughing.

 ロッドの放った究極魔法は究極の名に恥じない、すさまじい威力を秘めている。それは上の例でおわかりであろう。しかるにこの魔法、あまりに威力が強すぎて、地平線の彼方まで飛んでも威力が減衰した様子はない。さて地平線のむこうには何があるだろう。村、街、さらにはファンタジー世界の基盤たる城もあるだろう。ロッドの放った一撃はこれら建築物および罪もない人々を敵もろとも巻き込み、一瞬のうちに消滅させた可能性が高い。これが勇者さま御一行のやることか? 答えは無論、ノーである。

    No. You shouldn't drop down the rice cracker in your hand while saying "Oh, Rod ... You are awesome." Think it more carefully. This event shows us an important fact.
    The ultimate magic Rod shot was worth the expression "ultimate" and had huge power. You can understand it enough by the example above. Although, this magic was too powerful so that it didn't seem to decrease the power even after flying to over the horizon. Wait, what are there over the horizon? There would be villages, cities, and also castles that are foundation of the fantasy world. There was a high possibility that the stroke Rod shot would have involved their enemies with those buildings and guiltless people, and vanished them in a moment. Is it a behavior heroes should do? The answer is, of course, no.
    Of course you already understood it, didn't you? A person who got ultimate magic is already not a hero of justice. Hey Rod, since today,

おまえが魔王だ。 YOU are the Demon King.

    ...Wait, wait. Chill. It's too hasty to make a conclusion. Rod must have trained himself and gotten this magic in order to beat the extremely powerful Demon King. We have to be extenuating for him.
    Rod was poor at his role. He felt like to be amateur himself, that's why he got apart from the hero's party and went on a trip for training. In terms of this fact, it's no way to call him the Demon King. He is rather a model of hero of justice, isn't he?
    Although, we find a new question here. So, where did Rod train himself? Make sure he might not be able to shoot a huge powered magic from the beginning. Because if he had been able to do that, he wouldn't have had to go training. But as he was getting power, his magic had been improving more and more, and finally he got the strong magic that didn't decrease the power even after going to over the horizon. How many fire balls flied to over the horizon by he was finished his training?
    Yes, Rod might have burned up around him while his training. As he gained more power, the radious of destruction would have spread gradually. At the end of the training, he definitely had vanished at least three or four towns. Besides, Rod is a clever guy who can acquire high level magic in a short time. He couldn't notice his own destruction behavior. What it means is clear. Rod was enjoying his destruction.
    Of course you already understood it, didn't you? If you bump into the hero and his party and find a wizard among them who can use ultimate magic,

魔王と思え。 regard him as the Demon King.

其の四:決戦!悪の城 4th: Fight! The castle of evils

    So, imagine this situation. The self-styled hero and his party had traveled for a long time, and they ended up arriving at the castle of the Demon King. They beat the monsters waiting for them in the castle, and then met up their true enemy in person at the room of the king.
    I'm going to omit how the fight went because it's bothersome.
    After the desperate battle, the hero and his party finally beat the Demon King. The King roared and disappeared with flame. Immediately, a booming roar crashed out, and the Demon King's castle started to break up.

「みんな、脱出するぞ!」 "Hey guys, get away from here!"

 あわてて逃げ出す勇者さま御一行。疲労困憊のはずの彼らだがそこは勇者ご一行、当然逃げ遅れるわけがない。朝日の照らす中、魔王の城は跡形もなく崩壊し、勇者さまはその光景を、遠くの崖から仲間たちとともに遠い目つきで見つめたりするのだ。     The hero and his party rushed out of the castle. They must have been exhausted though, of course they didn't fail to escape. The castle totally broke up in the morning light, and the hero and his party looked down the sight with deep feeling from top of the distant cliff.

    No. You shouldn't make your eyes wet with tears at the scene while you murmur like "They finally beat the Demon King..." or things like that. Consider this scene more carefully, and you can find the Demon King's surprising side.
    Didn't you have a question? Why the Demon King's castle broke up? I'm going to show you some ideas came to mind.


1. The castle was just brittle.

    It doesn't make sense. There is power called magic in the fantasy world. Besides, this scene is the final battle. In the fight against the Demon King, both the hero side and the demon side would have generously shot enormous powerful magic that are capable of breaking up everything including the earth. But remember the fight. The wall might have chiped off and the ceiling might have had some holes, but the castle itself didn't break up with rumbling of the ground during the fight. It means that aging of buildings, the castle was brittle from the beginning, or something are not the reasons for the breaking up.


2. The Demon King pressed the explosion button in dying.

    Not bad. Not bad but it's like a behavior of thieves in anime like Lupine. In the fantasy world, still more the Demon King is the boss of the world, if he relies on machines last minute, it will be disappointing people so much. In addition, does the Demon King really prepare such things because he predicts his loss? It will damage the fantasy world's image if the view on the Demon King becomes weedy. So we need to reject this idea.


3. The magical power of the Demon King was cut.

    I suppose a lot of fantasy stories would put forward this idea. The castle was supported by the magical power of the Demon King. But the power was cut because of his death. As the result, the castle was broken up. This is indeed a fantasy-like idea, but if this idea is correct, a new, important question comes to mind.
    Usually, the Demon King has to fight alone against many people of the hero's side. It can't be helped because he is super powerful, but it is no doublt that he has a handicap. When he almost lose at the end of the battle, he has to fight with his full strength because he doesn't have any friends. But what happened for real? He continued to supply his magical power to his castle until he died heedless of danger of his life for saving it from breaking up. Even if it needs only a few power to support the castle, it is no doubt that he distributes his power. He might have come from behind to win if he had used that power for the fight.
    Of course you already understood it, didn't you? The Demon King treasured something over both his life and world domination. In short,

家が好き。 he likes his home.

其の五:行け!勇者の末裔 5th: Go! Descendants of the hero

    So, imagine this situation. Thousands years after the battle against the Demon King, people in the world have been enjoying the peace. Although, that was just on the surface. Actually, before people know, a threat of evils had been certainly permeating...
    The scene moved to Popo, a countryside village. Kevin, who is a boy living in the village and his father is a merchant, was called by the elder of the village. What happened? Kevin rushed to the elder's house. The elder confessed to him seriously.

「ケビンよ、おまえは勇者の末裔なのじゃ……」 "Kevin, actually, you are a descendant of the hero..."

 あっけにとられるケビン。開いた口はふさがるまい。長老はそれに構わず世界の危機について話し、しまいにはケビンに旅に出るようにいう。妙にてきぱきと話を進める長老に、ケビンはたまらず待ったをかける。     Kevin got shocked. He couldn't bring his dropping jaw. The elder didn't care about his face, talked about the danger of the world, and finally, he ordered him to go on a trip. Kevin interrupted the elder because the elder was talking such weird things businesslike.

「おれが? おれは商人の子っすよ。勇者なんて知らんっすよ」
"Elder, I'm not descended from the hero."
"Yes, you are. There is no doubt that you are a descendant of the hero."
"Is it really me? I'm a kid of a merchant. I don't know the hero at all."
"Hmm, of course I know you can't believe it soon. Although, Kevin...

The evidence is the flame-shaped bruise on your arm!"

 たいてい勇者と呼ばれる連中は都会ではなく、辺境の村から出張してくる。それも本人が突然目覚めるという積極的な流れよりは、長老あたりに丸めこまれ、勇者という自覚もないまま飛び出してくることが多い。となると長老は勇者の出自を知っていることになるのだが、何千年も昔からの家系をすべて記憶しているとはとても考えられない。口伝てで代々の長老に伝えられてきた? それもおかしい。勇者の一家が引越しでもしたらどうする。
    No. You shouldn't become highly excited like "I have the same bruise, too!" Once you say such things, you might get troublesome. Before that, you should consider about the mystery of this scene.
    In many cases, people who are called hero come from countryside villages, not from urban cities. In addition, the flow is usually not positive like they suddenly notice their duty by themselves, but like the elder or someone wheedles them so that they suddenly start their trip without awareness as a hero. It shows that the elders know the hero's family line, but it is unbelievable that they have memorized the whole family line since thousands years ago. Has it been passed down by the elders for a long time? That's weird. What if the family of the hero moved to other places?
    Even if the family line can be made sure on the scroll or something, it has been thousands years from the era of the past hero. The family would have mixed a tons of various bloods. Besides, the hero's child, grandchild, great-grandchild are not always only one person. As time goes on, the descendants of the hero have been increasing like trash, so it is no wonder that there are already a lot of branches of the hero's family in every corner of the world. The hero's blood that has increased and attenuated too much - does it really deserve respect?
    Yes, the blood of the hero has been already in name only. Although, just because they are descendants of the hero, they are welcomed when they stop by at villages, they are made much of by citizens in cities, and they can easily meet the kings and are treated as V.I.P. when they go to castles. They are really troublesome and snobbish guys.
    Of course you already understood it, didn't you? You shouldn't rely on the blood of the hero. If such people come to you and request special treatments,

町からたたきだせ。 drive them away from your town.