※ |
スコア登録時のみ再接続してください。 |
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You can disconnect internet after running game.
You should re-connect at registration score. |
※ |
動かないときは動作環境をご確認ください。環境に問題がなさそうであれば困ったときはを参考にしてください。 |
※ |
ゲームの読み込みには時間がかかります。下の説明を読んでお待ちください。 |
Arrow Up, I
Go up to select menu
Arrow Down, K
Go down to select menu
Alphabet Keys
Input command
Space, Enter, Z
5 |
Secret mode on/off
7 |
Sound on/off
9 |
0 |
笛の合図とともに競技が始まりますので、"キーを押して!" の文字が出ている間にアルファベットキーを押してください。1回の入力時間につき5つまでキーを押せます。押したキーの内容(コマンド)によって次のジャンプの内容が変化します。よくわからないという方は適当にガチャガチャ押していれば それっぽくなります。
コマンドが一定の条件を満たすと スペシャル技が発動します。グラフィックの変化とともに高得点がもらえますので、いろいろなコマンドを試してみてください。スペシャル技は20種以上あり、条件によっては2つ以上の技が同時に発動することもあります。技の名前が画面下に表示されますので参考にしてください。

At title screen, choose "Start Game" and press decide key, then a game starts.
A competition starts with a whistle. Press any keys during "Press Keys!" is showing. You can press even 5 keys about once of input time. The contents of next jump change by the contents of pressed keys (command). Isn't it understood well? Then press keys irresponsibly, it becomes some level.
When the command meets the fixed condition, special work is actuated, graphics is changed and you can obtain high score. There is more than 20 kinds of special work, and more than 2 of work is actuated at the same time by the condition. The name of the work is indicated under the screen, so please consult.

<Game Screen>
General consent is decided by a total point of 8 times of jump and a landing bonus. Please enjoy high score and incredible jump. There is also a score ranking, so please participate voluntarily.
Choose "Yearly ranking" or "World ranking" at the title screen and choose ranker's data, you can see the ranker's acting.
When playing between friends and you'd like to hide your command, please use a secret mode.
※ |
スコア登録はユーザ登録を行っていなくてもできますが、ユーザ登録を行っていないとその年の間しかスコアが保存されません。つまり世界ランキングレベルのスコアでも消去されてしまいます。ご注意ください。 |
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You can register score even if you don't register Mine's Game User, but that score will be cleared in the end of the year. If you'd like to record your score eternally, please make your account. |
2025/01/06 |
Ver2.5.0 |
- Added the Spanish version.
2024/09/30 |
Ver2.4.0 |
- Added the Portuguese version.
2024/08/19 |
Ver2.3.0 |
- Added the Turkish version.
2024/08/13 |
Ver2.2.0 |
- Added a virtual keyboard.
2017/11/10 |
Ver2.1.0 |
- Improve security.
2015/05/16 |
Ver2.0.0 |
- Port to JavaScript.
- Add English version.
2013/06/01 |
Ver1.4.0 |
- Add showing score ranking.
2013/04/29 |
Ver1.3.0 |
- Add settings save function.
2009/09/12 |
Ver1.2.1 |
- Remove FPS adjustment.
2009/09/09 |
Ver1.2.0 |
- Change game speed adjustment to FPS adjustment.
- Add Z key to decide keys.
- Bug fix: command is input automatically after seeing ranker's acting.
2006/06/25 |
Ver1.1.4 |
- Adjust game speed.
2004/06/19 |
Ver1.1.3 |
- Bug fix: reset during seeing ranker's acting.
2003/12/29 |
Ver1.1.2 |
- Bug fix: font.
2003/03/07 |
Ver1.1.1 |
- Bug fix: Garble on ranker list.
2003/02/22 |
Ver1.1.0 |
- Add secret mode.
2003/01/21 |
Ver1.0.1 |
- Modify score registration frame.
- Add register date to score ranking.
- Fix Japanese font for Mac.
2003/01/06 |
Ver1.0.0 |
- Release.
本ゲームは "WEB WAVE LIB"(リンク切れ)の効果音を加工して使用しています。
This game uses some sound materials from "WEB WAVE LIB"(dead link).
I thank creators.