Sound 4 memo mode


  1. Set a problem. Input numbers to each cell, and if you finished press Decide Button on the top-left.
  2. Solve the problem. You can input not only decided numbers, but also the candidate numbers. You can input candidate numbers even 9, or even 4 if "4 Memo Mode" is checked.
  3. Press Reset Button if you want to restart the problem.
  4. If you input decided numbers to all cells, press Check Button and you can check your answer is correct or not.
  5. Also you can get hint, or use auto solve functions. See tool tips on buttons.

How to input numbers
With mouse only:
Press Number Buttons to choose input number, and click cell which you want to input. If you want to remove number, press Remove Button (on the most right ot Number Buttons) and then click number in the cell.

With mouse and numeric keypad:
Move mouse cursor to a cell which you want to input, and then press numeric keypad. You can remove number with 0 key.


2015/06/06 Ver2.0.0
  - Port to JavaScript.
2011/09/21 Ver1.0.0
  - Release.