The trip to Australia 1 (オーストラリア旅行1)
I’m enjoying Melbourne!
My English makes sense to people here, but I can only understand few people’s English. So my communication is far from perfect... Although I could arrive here, enjoyed the tour visiting wineries and talked with other guests, walked around some famous places, and didn’t starve.
Besides I made a friend! This morning a jogger suddenly talked to me, and finally we exchanged contact. She said she had accepted home stays from Japan many times.
その上友達もできました! 今朝ジョガーが突然私に話しかけてきて、最後には連絡先を交換しました。彼女が言うには彼女は日本からのホームステイをたくさん受け入れてきたそうです。
Now, I found it hard to communicate with today’s Airbnb host. What did she say...? What was ナイムス? I asked her what ナイムス was, but she soon stopped to talk about it. Hmm... I wanted to talk with her tonight, and the past guests reviewed that she liked talking, but if she wants smooth talk, unfortunately I cannot provide it to her...
今は、Airbnbのホストとのコミュニケーションが難しいと感じているところです。彼女は何と言ったのか? ナイムスって何? 私は彼女にナイムスとは何かと尋ねましたが、彼女はすぐにそれについて話すのを止めてしまいました。うーん……今夜彼女と話したかったし、過去のゲストたちは彼女が話し好きだとレビューしていましたが、もし彼女がスムーズな会話をしたいなら、残念ながら私にはそれは提供できないし……。
Anyway, there are many adventures in this trip!
My iPhone says, today I walked over 25km! Besides I carried my backpack almost all the distance.
Now I understand why I am this tired. Good job to me.
私のiPhoneによれば、今日は25km以上歩いたようです! その上ほぼ全行程でバックパックをかついでいました。