[Komi's useless Japanese lessons Vol1] Eating pants (ぱんつくってた)

Just like English, context is important in Japanese conversation! Take a look at the example below.
英語と同じように、日本語の会話でも文脈が重要だよ! 下の例を見てみよう。

You「週末何してた? (what did you do on the weekend?)」

What does Taro mean? There are two ways of understanding his answer.
太郎は何を言っているのか? ここでは彼の答えには二通りの解釈があるのだ。

A. パン作ってた (I made bread)
B. パンツ食ってた (I ate underwear)

The both two sentences are correct in grammar, besides the pronunciation and the stress are perfectly the same. Hmm, which one is correct?

Let's think about the context, especially the background. Have you ever heard that people commonly eat underwear in Japan? I’ve heard of a Chinese person who only eats bricks, but never heard that underwear is popular food in Japan. Well, Japanese people are quite unique so that someday they might invent eatable and delicious underwear, but even if such a special item already exists, that’s not famous or popular yet. Therefore, you can guess the answer A would be correct.
文脈、特に背景について考えてみよう。日本で下着を食べるのが一般的だ、なんて聞いたことある? レンガしか食べない中国人の話なら聞いたことがあるけど、日本で下着が人気のある食べ物だって話は聞いたことないね。あー、日本人はとても変わっているのでいつの日か食べられるおいしい下着を発明するかもしれないけど、もしそんな特別なものがすでに存在するとしても、まだ有名でも人気でもない。よって、Aの答えが正しいだろうと推測できるわけだ。

But be careful. You shouldn’t continue the conversation with vague questions like this:

You「へえ、いいね。どうだった? (Sounds good. How was that?)」
Taro「おいしかったよ (That was delicious)」

Oh, both sentenses make sense again ...
