Food for end/beginning of year (年末年始の食べ物)

Today I’m gonna show recent trend about food around nenmatsu nenshi (the end of year and the beginning of year) in Japan.

In Japan, there is not Thanksgiving Day. But some people like me are interested in eating turkeys. Although, it is hard to get turkeys in Japan. So what can we do? Such people go to Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC, or just ケンタッキー makes sense in Japan) and eat chicken instead of turkeys.
日本にはサンクスギビングデーはありません。でも私を含む一部の人は七面鳥を食べてみたいです。ところが日本では七面鳥を手に入れるのは難しいです。じゃあどうするか? そういう人はケンタッキーに行って七面鳥の代わりにチキンを食べます。

On the day of Christmas, many people want to eat chicken because they know eating turkeys on the day is popular in Western countries. Although, it is hard to get turkeys in Japan. Only few restaurants serve it but it would be expensive. So what can we do? Yes, people go to KFC and buy a box of chicken called Christmas barrel.
クリスマスには多くの人がチキンを食べたくなります。西洋ではこの日に七面鳥を食べるのが一般的だと知っているからです。でも日本では七面鳥を手に入れるのが難しいです。じゃあどうするか? そう、ケンタッキーに行ってクリスマスバーレルと呼ばれる箱入りのチキンを買ってきます。

During shogatsu season, recently eating osechi is not very popular. But people want to eat something special. So what can we do? Yes, people go to KFC and buy a box of chicken called Oshogatsu barrel.
正月シーズンには、最近ではおせちを食べるのはそれほど人気ではありません。でもみんな特別なものが食べたくなります。じゃあどうするか? そう、ケンタッキーに行ってお正月バーレルと呼ばれる箱入りのチキンを買ってきます。

I think KFC’s advertisement was good.
Although, their joints seem to be decreasing year by year recently. I suppose that’s partly because their campaigns are focused on winter too much or things like that.
