[Komi's useless Japanese lessons Vol4] ぷ。
Hi there! How’ve you been? Today I’m gonna share an interesting letters to you guys Japanese learners!
This topic is not new though because it was introduced by a TV program five years ago, I think it’s helpful to people who are tired from studying Japanese!
やあみんな! 最近どう? 今日は日本語学習者のみんなに面白い文字を教えるよ!
I ask you a question. What does it look like?

(This and next pictures are from
This is just ぷ。, “ぷ” and Japanese period. That’s all. But someone thought in the old days that it looked like a person who is bawling, like the next picture.
Once you regard it as a person, you can’t stop seeing it like that! You would start to imagine the background, the character, the story, ... and then, you’ll stop studying and step out for bowling!
一度これが人に見えると、そう見るのをやめられない! あなたはその背景、人物、物語を想像し始め……そして勉強をやめ、ボーリングをしに出かけることだろう!
When you are tired from studying Japanese, why don’t you write many ぷ。 on your notebook? It will soon become a bowling alley, and it might make you happy and relax!
日本語の勉強に疲れた時は、たくさんの「ぷ。」をノートに書いてみるのはいかが? それはたちまちボーリング場になって、あなたを楽しく、リラックスさせてくれるかもしれないよ!
(These pictures are from